Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Assignment 4: Lessons from the classroom

Assignment 4 is all about reflecting on your progress, how you propose to work on your action points and how you will continue learning after the course. Please read through the assignment brief to make sure you are clear on everything; I have summarised it in the audio below.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Pronunciation activities

For those interested in integrating phonology in your lessons (and in the future, hopefully), this is a useful summary of some top pronunciation activities: Click here

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Authentic use

This is what you have produced (so far!!)

Concept checking

Please find below the graffiti wall that you created using your mobiles A different way of remembering how to concept check. Watch the short film: <

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Word and sentence stress

In today's session we looked at word and sentence stress. It may take a while for you to get used to noticing primary, and possibly secondary stress, but it will come! Please find a link to some activities - I have pinned them onto an online board: you just need to click on anything of interest.

Word and sentence stress

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

ESOL Core Curriculum

Below is a copy of the main components of the ESOL Core Curriculum - you can access the full curriculum at Excllence Gateway.

The ESOL Core curriculum spans all levels except pre-entry: from entry one to level 2 and is divided into skills: speaking, reading, writing and listening. Each skill is then divided into subskills - see below. Grammar is embedded within each skill which can make it hard to locate. When you are devising schemes of work, you may need to map them to the curriculum.

by clare.tyrer


Watch the clip. Scott Thornbury is talking about PPP: Presentation, Practice and Production. Please add your comments below; we shall also discuss this in class. What do you think about the method? It is one we use on the CELTA course, essentially because of convenience and time restrictions.